The reconditioning of hazordous wastes can be done in the operation. Firstly, contaminated packages; IBCs ,plastic and metal drums are controlled for their reusability by authorized person. The other damaged non-reusable packages can be purged carefully. The cleaned packages are reprocessed. The metal ones are melted; the plastic ones are transported to recondition area.

The IBCs plastic and metal drums which are suitable for reusing, can be transported to washer area. In the washer area, the cleaning of metal drums can be done by rinsing machine with pressure water, solvent, caustic. Also the plastic drums can be cleaned up with the pressure water.
Washing up can be processed with treated water.Then, the etiquettes of packages are cleaned up. This process is diversified for every group drum. It can be done with an exterior wash or as a manuel with clinder liner cutter. After this processes, metal drums are painted with solent and industrial based paint. Colored drums are hereby available to promis. Additively, while the rinsing of these drums, the solvent whose lifetime ended,can be transported to licenced recondition area.